Monday Menu

School starts this week, and this weekend we finally made an attempt to get back to the school year routine. We got everyone up early and out the door for church. It was still early when we got home, so we enjoyed some time with the newspaper and a second cup of coffee on the patio. The Hub took charge of making the menu and grocery list, and while he was out grocery shopping, I clipped coupons from the circulars that have piled up over the past few weeks. It has the makings of a nice Sunday morning routine.

This week relies heavily on an oldie-but-goodie, The Frugal Gourmet cookbook by Jeff Smith. The Hub reminded me that I should consult it more often.

Sunday: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes

Monday: Broccoli and Chicken Salad (The Frugal Gourmet, p. 97)

Tuesday: Pasta with Onion Sauce

Wednesday: Pot-Sticker Pockets (Rachael Ray)

Thursday: Eggs in tuna sauce (The Frugal Gourmet, p. 410), soup and salad bar

Friday: Sweet corn pancakes (some of us will eat them savory, with sour cream and tomatoes)

What cookbook do you return to again and again?

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